The Five Inner Senses of Embodiment Activism, Body agency, Body Awareness, Body Ownership, Body Resonance, Embodiment, Emotional Balance, Interoception, Proprioception, Psychology, Social Justice, Therapeutic / By Bo Forbes
Why Optic Flow Restores Us Body agency, Depression, Nervous System, Neuroscience, Proprioception, Therapeutic, Well-Being / By Bo Forbes
How sexual harassment impacts our sense of personal space Activism, Boundaries, Embodiment, Gender Justice, MeToo, Neuroscience, Proprioception, Social Justice, Somatics, Trauma / By Bo Forbes
Why yoga + the body are social and political Activism, Anxiety, Body Awareness, Depression, Embodiment, Emotional Balance, Gender Justice, Interoception, Mind-Body, Mindfulness, Proprioception, Relationships, Social Justice, Somatics, Well-Being, Wellness, Yoga / By Bo Forbes